© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
PROVINCE OF WESSEX Minutes of the Annual Meeting held at Nailsea Masonic Hall, Bristol, BS48 1BA at 1130hrs on 14 May 16. Right Worshipful Brother Roger Wilfred Freeman, Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Keith Roger Duncan Waters KSM PSGD Deputy Provincial Grand Master Officers of the Province 2015-16 Provincial Eminent Grand Prior W & Em Bro M G Williams Provincial Senior Grand Warden W Bro G C King Provincial Junior Grand Warden W Bro G L Brown Provincial Grand Treasurer W Bro J M Daniels Provincial Grand Secretary W Bro K B Chalkley Provincial Grand Marshal W Bro C A Cox Provincial Deputy Grand Marshal W Bro S F Dunn Provincial Senior Grand Deacon W Bro M C Slocombe Provincial Junior Grand Deacon W Bro B W Slade Provincial Grand Organist W Bro D R Attwater Provincial Grand Captain of Guards W Bro C D Hallett Provincial Grand Guard W Bro J A N Frost All the Provincial Grand Officers were present with the exception of W Bros King, Daniels, and Frost. W Bro J L Short acted as Provincial Grand Banner Bearer, and Bro K N Roberts acted as Provincial Grand Guard. Brethren of the Province of Wessex RW Bro B G Wright PJGW, Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master Court No 100 W Bro M S Western GHAlm Court No 62 W Bro P D S Wollington Court No 100 Bro A S R Pinnell Court No 62 Bro D W Francis Court No 62 W Bro J P Housden Court No 66 W Bro D R Hammond PProvGMar Court No 66 W Bro J Massey PProvGBurgh Court No 66 W Bro J H J Kidd Court No 66 Bro M P S Bajona Court No 66 Bro P J Fletcher Court No 66 Bro M G Westley Court No 66 Bro K N Roberts Court No 66 Bro M G Caswell Court No 66 W Bro E W Jayne Court No 69 W Bro C Lowther PJGD Court No 75 W Bro J L Short Court No 97 Bro M J E Quigley-Ferriday Court No 97 W Bro R W Clifton PGGd Court No 100 W Bro R K Amende PProvGTreas Court No 100 W Bro S J Devlin PProvGCofG Court No 100 Bro B R Barnes Court No 100 Bro D W Francis Court No 100 Apologies. Apologies were received from R W Bro M Burns, VW Bro R. Bridger, W.Bro’s Manning, Frost, Lee, Court, Olszewski, Ward, Paskins, Cooper, Kessell and Walsh, and Bros Thomas, Norman, Major, Preece, Hughes, Needs, and Crow. Visiting Right Worshipful Brethren Right Worshipful Brother B W Coshall Provincial Grand Master, East Anglia Right Worshipful Brother R M Apperley Provincial Grand Master, Kent Right Worshipful Brother L B Mee Provincial Grand Master, Sussex Right Worshipful Brother R W Leavers PSGW Grand Secretary Right Worshipful Brother N A B Grout Junior Grand Warden Visiting Very Worshipful Brethren Very Worshipful Brother J G Evans PGSwdB Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Magonsaeton Very Worshipful Brother N B Le-Grys PGSwdB Deputy Provincial Grand Master, East Anglia Visiting Worshipful Brethren Worshipful Brother D Hooper Provincial Senior Grand Warden, Magonsaeton Worshipful Brother M Smith Provincial Grand Secretary, East Anglia Worshipful Brother M Smith Provincial Grand Almoner, Magonsaeton Worshipful Brother D Parslow Worshipful Master Court No 21. Apologies Apologies were received from the Provinces of Hwicce, Essex, Mercia and Northumbria. Distinguished guests were received in due form with acclamation under the direction of the Provincial Grand Marshal. The Right Worshipful Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master was received in due form with acclamation under the direction of the Provincial Grand Marshal. Right Worshipful Brother R W Freeman, Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by Provincial Grand Officers, was received in due form with acclamation under the direction of the Provincial Grand Marshal. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master opened Provincial Grand Court in due form at 1130hrs. The Provincial Grand Marshal called the brethren to order and they saluted the RW Provincial Grand Master with 7. The Provincial Grand Master made suitable reply. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master called the meeting to order, delivered the eulogy, and the Provincial Eminent Grand Prior led the brethren in prayer in memory of Bro Roy Hosegood who had passed to the Grand Court above on 8 Apr 16. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then introduced distinguished guests and distinguished members within the Province, who were greeted with acclamation. The Provincial Grand Secretary called the roll of Provincial Officers. The Provincial Grand Secretary called the roll of Courts within the Province. All were well represented. The minutes of the annual meeting held on 16 May 15, and the installation meeting held on 19 Dec 15, having been circulated, were put for confirmation. Proposed by the ProvSGW, seconded by the ProvJGW. Carried. The Provincial Grand Secretary presented his report, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Provincial Secretary presented the accounts and the Treasurer’s report. Proposed by the ProvSGW, seconded by the ProvJGW that the Treasurer’s report and accounts be accepted. Carried. Proposed by the ProvSGW, seconded by the ProvJGW that W Bro J M Daniels be re-elected Prov G Treasurer. Carried. Proposed by the ProvSGW and seconded by the ProvJGW that W Bros Chalkley and Cox be appointed Account Examiners. Carried. The RWProvGM thanked W Bro Waters for his support since his appointment and re-appointed him as Deputy Provincial Grand Master. He then appointed the remaining Provincial Officers and invested those present: ProvEMGPrior W & Em Bro M G Williams ProvSGW W Bro G L Brown ProvJGW W Bro D R Attwater ProvGSec W Bro K B Chalkley ProvGTreas W Bro J M Daniels (absent) ProvGMarsh W Bro C A Cox ProvDepGMar W Bro S F Dunn ProvSGD W Bro B W Slade ProvJGD W Bro C D Hallett ProvGOrg Bro M G Westley ProvGCofG W & Em Bro J H J Kidd ProvGGd W Bro J A N Frost (absent) Past ProvGSwdB W Bro M C Slocombe Past ProvJGD W Bro K F Wiltshire (absent) Past ProvGBBr W Bro J G Jacko (absent) The RWProvGM then addressed the meeting. A copy of his address is attached to these minutes. The DepProvGM addressed the ProvGM, thanking him for the leadership he had displayed and the manner in which he had conducted himself since his appointment. His statement was greeted with acclamation by the Brethren. Under AOB the ProvGSec displayed a pedestal cushion produced by St Germans Court No 97 and an alternative model of the Rosetta Stone. All correspondence received related to attendance at this meeting, and apologies would be included in the minutes. The date and venue of next year’s meeting will be published when established. The RWProvGM closed Provincial Grand Court at 1220hrs, the closing hymn and National Anthem were sung, and he then processed out accompanied by our visitors, his active officers, and officers of Grand Court. K B Chalkley R W Freeman ProvGSec ProvGM 17 17 A total of 39 attended the Festive Board
© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
PROVINCE OF WESSEX Minutes of the Annual Meeting held at Nailsea Masonic Hall, Bristol, BS48 1BA at 1130hrs on 14 May 16. Right Worshipful Brother Roger Wilfred Freeman, Provincial Grand Master Worshipful Brother Keith Roger Duncan Waters KSM PSGD Deputy Provincial Grand Master Officers of the Province 2015-16 Provincial Eminent Grand Prior W & Em Bro M G Williams Provincial Senior Grand Warden W Bro G C King Provincial Junior Grand Warden W Bro G L Brown Provincial Grand Treasurer W Bro J M Daniels Provincial Grand Secretary W Bro K B Chalkley Provincial Grand Marshal W Bro C A Cox Provincial Deputy Grand Marshal W Bro S F Dunn Provincial Senior Grand Deacon W Bro M C Slocombe Provincial Junior Grand Deacon W Bro B W Slade Provincial Grand Organist W Bro D R Attwater Provincial Grand Captain of Guards W Bro C D Hallett Provincial Grand Guard W Bro J A N Frost All the Provincial Grand Officers were present with the exception of W Bros King, Daniels, and Frost. W Bro J L Short acted as Provincial Grand Banner Bearer, and Bro K N Roberts acted as Provincial Grand Guard. Brethren of the Province of Wessex RW Bro B G Wright PJGW, Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master Court No 100 W Bro M S Western GHAlm Court No 62 W Bro P D S Wollington Court No 100 Bro A S R Pinnell Court No 62 Bro D W Francis Court No 62 W Bro J P Housden Court No 66 W Bro D R Hammond PProvGMar Court No 66 W Bro J Massey PProvGBurgh Court No 66 W Bro J H J Kidd Court No 66 Bro M P S Bajona Court No 66 Bro P J Fletcher Court No 66 Bro M G Westley Court No 66 Bro K N Roberts Court No 66 Bro M G Caswell Court No 66 W Bro E W Jayne Court No 69 W Bro C Lowther,PJGD Court No 75 W Bro J L Short Court No 97 Bro M J E Quigley-Ferriday Court No 97 W Bro R W Clifton PGGd Court No 100 W Bro R K Amende PProvGTreas Court No 100 W Bro S J Devlin PProvGCofG Court No 100 Bro B R Barnes Court No 100 Bro D W Francis Court No 100 Apologies. Apologies were received from R W Bro M Burns, VW Bro R. Bridger, W.Bro’s Manning, Frost, Lee, Court, Olszewski, Ward, Paskins, Cooper, Kessell and Walsh, and Bros Thomas, Norman, Major, Preece, Hughes, Needs, and Crow. Visiting Right Worshipful Brethren Right Worshipful Brother B W Coshall Provincial Grand Master, East Anglia Right Worshipful Brother R M Apperley Provincial Grand Master, Kent Right Worshipful Brother L B Mee Provincial Grand Master, Sussex Right Worshipful Brother R W Leavers PSGW Grand Secretary Right Worshipful Brother N A B Grout Junior Grand Warden Visiting Very Worshipful Brethren Very Worshipful Brother J G Evans PGSwdB, Deputy Provincial Grand Master, Magonsaeton Very Worshipful Brother N B Le-Grys PGSwdB Deputy Provincial Grand Master, East Anglia Visiting Worshipful Brethren Worshipful Brother D Hooper Provincial Senior Grand Warden, Magonsaeton Worshipful Brother M Smith Provincial Grand Secretary, East Anglia Worshipful Brother M Smith Provincial Grand Almoner, Magonsaeton Worshipful Brother D Parslow Worshipful Master Court No 21. Apologies Apologies were received from the Provinces of Hwicce, Essex, Mercia and Northumbria. Distinguished guests were received in due form with acclamation under the direction of the Provincial Grand Marshal. The Right Worshipful Past Deputy Provincial Grand Master was received in due form with acclamation under the direction of the Provincial Grand Marshal. Right Worshipful Brother R W Freeman, Provincial Grand Master, accompanied by Provincial Grand Officers, was received in due form with acclamation under the direction of the Provincial Grand Marshal. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master opened Provincial Grand Court in due form at 1130hrs. The Provincial Grand Marshal called the brethren to order and they saluted the RW Provincial Grand Master with 7. The Provincial Grand Master made suitable reply. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master called the meeting to order, delivered the eulogy, and the Provincial Eminent Grand Prior led the brethren in prayer in memory of Bro Roy Hosegood who had passed to the Grand Court above on 8 Apr 16. The Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master then introduced distinguished guests and distinguished members within the Province, who were greeted with acclamation. The Provincial Grand Secretary called the roll of Provincial Officers. The Provincial Grand Secretary called the roll of Courts within the Province. All were well represented. The minutes of the annual meeting held on 16 May 15, and the installation meeting held on 19 Dec 15, having been circulated, were put for confirmation. Proposed by the ProvSGW, seconded by the ProvJGW. Carried. The Provincial Grand Secretary presented his report, a copy of which is attached to these minutes. In the absence of the Treasurer, the Provincial Secretary presented the accounts and the Treasurer’s report. Proposed by the ProvSGW, seconded by the ProvJGW that the Treasurer’s report and accounts be accepted. Carried. Proposed by the ProvSGW, seconded by the ProvJGW that W Bro J M Daniels be re-elected Prov G Treasurer. Carried. Proposed by the ProvSGW and seconded by the ProvJGW that W Bros Chalkley and Cox be appointed Account Examiners. Carried. The RWProvGM thanked W Bro Waters for his support since his appointment and re-appointed him as Deputy Provincial Grand Master. He then appointed the remaining Provincial Officers and invested those present: ProvEMGPrior W & Em Bro M G Williams ProvSGW W Bro G L Brown ProvJGW W Bro D R Attwater ProvGSec W Bro K B Chalkley ProvGTreas W Bro J M Daniels (absent) ProvGMarsh W Bro C A Cox ProvDepGMar W Bro S F Dunn ProvSGD W Bro B W Slade ProvJGD W Bro C D Hallett ProvGOrg Bro M G Westley ProvGCofG W & Em Bro J H J Kidd ProvGGd W Bro J A N Frost (absent) Past ProvGSwdB W Bro M C Slocombe Past ProvJGD W Bro K F Wiltshire (absent) Past ProvGBBr W Bro J G Jacko (absent) The RWProvGM then addressed the meeting. A copy of his address is attached to these minutes. The DepProvGM addressed the ProvGM, thanking him for the leadership he had displayed and the manner in which he had conducted himself since his appointment. His statement was greeted with acclamation by the Brethren. Under AOB the ProvGSec displayed a pedestal cushion produced by St Germans Court No 97 and an alternative model of the Rosetta Stone. All correspondence received related to attendance at this meeting, and apologies would be included in the minutes. The date and venue of next year’s meeting will be published when established. The RWProvGM closed Provincial Grand Court at 1220hrs, the closing hymn and National Anthem were sung, and he then processed out accompanied by our visitors, his active officers, and officers of Grand Court. K B Chalkley R W Freeman ProvGSec ProvGM 17 17 A total of 39 attended the Festive Board