© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
Installation of the 1st. Deputy Provincial Grand Master
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PRIMUS DEPUTY PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER The Province of Wessex having developed sufficiently since its formation on the 31st. May 2008 it has gained; from The Grand Court; approval for the appointment of a Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Following the Installation on Monday the 28th. November 2011 of Bro. Nidral Welsh as the second Master of King Hywel Court No. 69 a meeting of Provincial Grand Court of Wessex was Convened and Opened. R.W.Bro. Malcolm James Burns, KCSM., The Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Wessex in The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and Provinces Overseas was delighted to appoint and invest W.Bro. Brian George Wright, Dep.G.Sec, Prov.G.Sec. as the Primus Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Wessex. He reminded those present that the well-being and success of the Province during its growth was greatly due to untiring and unremitting efforts and efficiency of W. Bro. Brian and therefore this preferment was a proper and just due reward. The M.W.Bro. Michael H. Roalfe, PGHCh., GCSM. The Grand Master of The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and Provinces Overseas who had travelled three hundred miles to be present and witness the investiture, then called upon V.W.Bro. John H. Wickes the Grand Marshal to present W. Bro. Wright to him. After congratulating Bro. Wright on his preferment he too thanked him for his work resulting in the rapid growth of the Province but also his responsibilities as Deputy Grand Secretary including his considerable involvement in the arrangement of the Grand Assemblies at Leicester. He then, as an acknowledgement and reward for these efforts, promoted W.Bro. Brian G. Wright to Past Grand Sword Bearer. This preferment meriting the title and rank as:- V.W.Bro. Brian G. Wright , PG.Swd.B, DepGSec, Deputy Provincial Grand Master -Wessex, Prov.G.Sec. (Wessex). W.Bro. Mervyn S.Western, DepEmGPrior, Prov.G.S.W. (Wessex)
© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
Installation of the 1st. Deputy Provincial Grand Master
PRIMUS DEPUTY PROVINCIAL GRAND MASTER of WESSEX The Province of Wessex having developed sufficiently since its formation on the 31st. May 2008 it has gained; from The Grand Court; approval for the appointment of a Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Following the Installation on Monday the 28th. November 2011 of Bro. Nidral Welsh as the second Master of King Hywel Court No. 69 a meeting of Provincial Grand Court of Wessex was Convened and Opened. R.W.Bro. Malcolm James Burns, KCSM., The Provincial Grand Master for the Province of Wessex in The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and Provinces Overseas was delighted to appoint and invest W.Bro. Brian George Wright, Dep.G.Sec, Prov.G.Sec. as the Primus Deputy Provincial Grand Master of the Province of Wessex. He reminded those present that the well-being and success of the Province during its growth was greatly due to untiring and unremitting efforts and efficiency of W. Bro. Brian and therefore this preferment was a proper and just due reward. The M.W.Bro. Michael H. Roalfe, PGHCh., GCSM. The Grand Master of The Masonic Order of Athelstan in England, Wales and Provinces Overseas who had travelled three hundred miles to be present and witness the investiture, then called upon V.W.Bro. John H. Wickes the Grand Marshal to present W. Bro. Wright to him. After congratulating Bro. Wright on his preferment he too thanked him for his work resulting in the rapid growth of the Province but also his responsibilities as Deputy Grand Secretary including his considerable involvement in the arrangement of the Grand Assemblies at Leicester. He then, as an acknowledgement and reward for these efforts, promoted W.Bro. Brian G. Wright to Past Grand Sword Bearer. This preferment meriting the title and rank as:- V.W.Bro. Brian G. Wright , PG.Swd.B, DepGSec, Deputy Provincial Grand Master -Wessex, Prov.G.Sec. (Wessex). W.Bro. Mervyn S.Western, DepEmGPrior, Prov.G.S.W. (Wessex)
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