© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
2016 Provincial Grand Secretaries Report
8th. Provincial Assembly of Wessex, hosted by ÆĐELRED Court No. 66, held at
Nailsea Masonic Hall, Nailsea, Bristol, BS48 1BA 3 on Saturday 14th. May 2016
K B Chalkley, MBE ,DepGCofGds
St Issey
Wadebridge PL27 7RY
01841 540328
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master,
It has been a very short and busy 5 months since my appointment as the Provincial
Secretary, adapting my experience in other Orders to the nuances and practices of
this Order in general and Wessex in particular. I would like to think that, while there
is still “work in progress” I am “getting there”.
To my knowledge you have attended every meeting but one within the Province
since your appointment, and have travelled widely, representing us in other
Provinces and Orders. I have accompanied you when available and we have
witnessed some excellent renditions of the new ceremonies, both Instruction and
Installation. Unfortunately, the standards are not uniform across the Province and
we can but hope that those still relying on using the books will break the habit as
they become more familiar with the workings. There is nothing like a real live
candidate to encourage the learning and improvement of ritual, so all Courts are
encouraged to keep the post-consecration momentum going by encouraging
suitable (and qualified) candidates to apply.
I trust that the pace of life will now slow down somewhat, and the steep learning
curve becomes more like a plateau, but in the meantime I would like to thank the
members of the Executive and, in particular, the Court Secretaries, for their support,
patience and assistance during my apprenticeship in this busy but enjoyable post.
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, that concludes my first, short, report as
your Provincial Secretary. Thank you for appointing me, no doubt I will have more to
say next year.