© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
Pre- Installation In the Temple Festive Board
From Left to Right RW Bro. Ian Crow, PGM (Wessex) MW Bro. Paul W. Johnston,PGHCh. GCSM Grand Master W Bro. Peter W Hughes, PSGW DepPGM & RW Bro. Roy W Leavers, CCh, GCSM, Assistant Grand Master
As Grand Court had decided to split the Province of Wessex into two Provinces seemingly to avoid Provincial Grand Masters and their executive having to travel as far especially as the Cornish roads in the summer are very congested and will slow travel down to a halt. Wessex having eight Courts up to the 14th April, It was decided that the Province of Wessex would have four Courts and the new Province called Dumnonia would have five. To rectify this situation on Saturday the 14th. April 2018, Most Worshipful Brother Paul W. Johnston, PGHCh, GCSM instigated to Install Provincial Grand Masters to both Provinces on the same day. Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master Keith R. D. Waters, KSM, PGSwdB acted as the Presiding Officer and opened the Province of Wessex Grand Court in fine style. The Grand Master entered Provincial Grand Court and took the gavel from the Presiding officer thanking him for looking after the Provincial Grand Court. Explaining the work of the day was to be the Re-Constituting of the Province of Wessex. The Grand Secretary proclaimed the reconstruction of the Province. The M.W.G.M. then instructed his Grand Officers to their seats. Following procedure and protocol he Installed R.W.Bro. Ian Crowe with his team and
Masters and Past Masters of Wessex Courts acting as cushion bearers in a most memorable and impressive way. RW Bro. Ian Crow was saluted with seven and an appropriate response was given by him. Later the Grand Marshal asked RW Bro. Ian Crow if he wished to appoint and invest a Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Replying he announced that he had chosen W.Bro. Peter W. Hughes a member of Theocsbury Court № 57. W.Bro. Peter was then Installed by the P.G.M. RWBo. Ian Crow in an equally impressive fashion. The Treasurer was put forward for adoption by the members, just one nomination had been suggested, W.Bro. Tony S R Pinelli who accepted this office. The Provincial Grand Master then continued to appoint and Invest his Provincial Officers: W.& Em.Bro. A. Peter Hartland ProvEmGPrior W.Bro. George L. Brown ProvSGW W.Bro. Jason P. Jordan ProvJGW W.Bro. George R. Paskins ProGSec W.Bro. Anthony S. R.Pinelli ProvGTreas W.Bro. Colin Lowther, KSM, PGJD ProvGMar W.Bro. Ian T. George ProvSGD W.Bro. Nigel F. Bevan ProvJGD ( To be Invested at a future date) W.Bro. W.&Em Bro. Paul Cooper ProvGCofG ( To be Invested at a future date) W.Bro. Peter D.S. Wollington ProvGGuard ( To be Invested at a future date) After the Provincial proceedings had ceased i.e. Provincial By-Laws etc. the Grand Master stood and asked the Grand Marshal to bring W.Bro. Peter W Hughes before him. He then gave W.Bro. Peter a field promotion (Grand Rank) to Past Senior Grand Deacon. Worshipful Brother Hughes extended his sincere thanks to the Most Worshipful Grand Master. In his first address to the Province, Right Worshipful Brother Ian Crowe gave thanks to the Grand Master and his team for their undertaking the long journey to Cornwall, and the wonderful and impressive manner in which he had been Installed as Provincial Grand Master. He also thanked all the Brethren for their attendance. He said that he had already attended two Courts but was looked forward to meeting the other two respective Courts. He also extended special thanks to W. Bro. David R Attwater, PGBanB, ProvGSec for the tremendous amount of work he had undertaken in making the arrangements for this meeting. Following the closing of Provincial Grand Court, the Brethren dined together in a very convivial atmosphere. After a short recession the brethren re-entered the Temple. The Most Worshipful Grand Master continued to Constitute the Province of Domnonia. The Proceedings at this time was to echo what had taken place in the Re- Constitution of Wessex. After all was complete and the Province of Dumnonia was up and running the Grand Master demanded the gavel from the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro. Roger W Freemen, KSM who conceded. The Grand Master opened The Coronation Stone Court № 50 in shortened form. Asking the Grand Marshal to bring before him Bro. Mark Bajona a member of Court of Æþelred No. 66 and his dog “Rufus” Now Rufus is an assistance dog and the Grand Master explained that Rufus had saved the life of his owner Mark on more than two occasions, and in recognition of the faithful service and duty of Rufus he made both of them Members of Court № 50 and appointed both honorary Grand Officers. This was not the end of proceedings the Grand Master requested the presence of the Grand High Chancellor RW Bro. Dr. Christopher W G Ansell, GCSM who continued to Invest Rufus with the “Knight of the Scarlet Mantle” adorning him with his collar. Applause for this most noble gesture was recognized by all attending. The Grand Master closed the Court in shortened form and the Court was returned to the Provincial Grand Master of Dumnonia. Photographs followed and after completion everyone hastened to the bar for refreshment. The end of a great meeting.
© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
Pre- Installation In the Temple Festive Board From Left to Right RW Bro. Ian Crow,PGM (Wessex)  MW Bro. Paul W. Johnston,PGHCh. GCSM  Grand Master    W Bro. Peter W Hughes, PSGW DepPGM  & RW Bro. Roy W Leavers, CCh, GCSM , Assistant Grand Master
As Grand Court had decided to split the Province of Wessex into two Provinces seemingly to avoid Provincial Grand Masters and their executive having to travel as far especially as the Cornish roads in the summer are very congested and will slow travel down to a halt. Wessex having eight Courts up to the 14th April, It was decided that the Province of Wessex would have four Courts and the new Province called Dumnonia would have five. To rectify this situation on Saturday the 14th. April 2018, Most Worshipful Brother Paul W. Johnston, PGHCh, GCSM instigated to Install Provincial Grand Masters to both Provinces on the same day. Very Worshipful Deputy Provincial Grand Master Keith R. D. Waters, KSM, PGSwdB acted as the Presiding Officer and opened the Province of Wessex Grand Court in fine style. The Grand Master entered Provincial Grand Court and took the gavel from the Presiding officer thanking him for looking after the Provincial Grand Court.
The Grand Secretary proclaimed the reconstruction of the Province. The M.W.G.M. then instructed his Grand Officers to their seats. Following procedure and protocol he Installed R.W.Bro. Ian Crowe with his team and Masters and Past Masters of Wessex Courts acting as cushion bearers in a most memorable and impressive way. RW Bro. Ian Crow was saluted with seven and an appropriate response was given by him. Later the Grand Marshal asked RW Bro. Ian Crow if he wished to appoint and invest a Deputy Provincial Grand Master. Replying he announced that he had chosen W.Bro. Peter W. Hughes a member of Theocsbury Court № 57. W.Bro. Peter was then Installed by the P.G.M. RWBo. Ian Crow in an equally impressive fashion. The Treasurer was put forward for adoption by the members, just one nomination had been suggested, W.Bro. Tony S R Pinelli who accepted this office. The Provincial Grand Master then continued to appoint and Invest his Provincial Officers: W.& Em.Bro. A. Peter Hartland ProvEmGPrior W.Bro. George L. Brown ProvSGW W.Bro. Jason P. Jordan ProvJGW W.Bro. George R. Paskins ProGSec W.Bro. Anthony S. R.Pinelli ProvGTreas W.Bro. Colin Lowther, KSM, PGJD ProvGMar W.Bro. Ian T. George ProvSGD W.Bro. Nigel F. Bevan ProvJGD ( To be Invested at a future date) W.Bro. W.&Em Bro. Paul Cooper ProvGCofG ( To be Invested at a future date) W.Bro. Peter D.S. Wollington ProvGGuard ( To be Invested at a future date) After the Provincial proceedings had ceased i.e. Provincial By-Laws etc. the Grand Master stood and asked the Grand Marshal to bring W.Bro. Peter W Hughes before him. He then gave W.Bro. Peter a field promotion (Grand Rank) to Past Senior Grand Deacon. Worshipful Brother Hughes extended his sincere thanks to the Most Worshipful Grand Master. In his first address to the Province, Right Worshipful Brother Ian Crowe gave thanks to the Grand Master and his team for their undertaking the long journey to Cornwall, and the wonderful and impressive manner in which he had been Installed as Provincial Grand Master. He also thanked all the Brethren for their attendance. He said that he had already attended two Courts but was looked forward to meeting the other two respective Courts. He also extended special thanks to W. Bro. David R Attwater, PGBanB, ProvGSec for the tremendous amount of work he had undertaken in making the arrangements for this meeting. Following the closing of Provincial Grand Court, the Brethren dined together in a very convivial atmosphere. After a short recession the brethren re-entered the Temple. The Most Worshipful Grand Master continued to Constitute the Province of Domnonia. The Proceedings at this time was to echo what had taken place in the Re-Constitution of Wessex. After all was complete and the Province of Dumnonia was up and running the Grand Master demanded the gavel from the Provincial Grand Master RW Bro. Roger W Freemen, KSM who conceded. The Grand Master opened The Coronation Stone Court № 50 in shortened form. Asking the Grand Marshal to bring before him Bro. Mark Bajona a member of Court of Æþelred No. 66 and his dog “Rufus” Now Rufus is an assistance dog and the Grand Master explained that Rufus had saved the life of his owner Mark on more than two occasions, and in recognition of the faithful service and duty of Rufus he made both of them Members of Court № 50 and appointed both honorary Grand Officers. This was not the end of proceedings the Grand Master requested the presence of the Grand High Chancellor RW Bro. Dr. Christopher W G Ansell, GCSM who continued to Invest Rufus with the “Knight of the Scarlet Mantle” adorning him with his collar. Applause for this most noble gesture was recognized by all attending. The Grand Master closed the Court in shortened form and the Court was returned to the Provincial Grand Master of Dumnonia. Photographs followed and after completion everyone hastened to the bar for refreshment. The end of a great meeting.