© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
Provincial Grand Masters Address
Most worshipful Grand Master, Right
Worshipful Deputy Grand Master, Right
Worshipful Assistant Grand Master,
honoured Guests and Brethren.
Brethren today is a day for thanks, for
renewing old friendships making new
friends, and above all of new beginnings.
We have already welcomed the Grand
Master and his team, however may I extend
my personal thanks to him and the Officers
of Grand Court for the magnificent and
generous way that I was Installed this
morning as Provincial Grand Master.
It has been said many times, but it is well
worth repeating that days like today don’t
just happen, an immense amount of work
has gone into the planning of todays
proceedings, both from Grand Court and
our own Provincial Team.
It would be remiss of me if I didn’t express
our especial thanks to our Deputy Grand
Master, Right Worshipful Brother Roy
Leavers, who for the last few months as
Deputy Grand Master in Charge has led our
Province with foresight and distinction. He
has been an inspiration to us all and has
provided the icing on the cake by today
taking his rightful place as Presiding
Officer. Right Worshipful Deputy Grand
Master we have been friends for many
years, and it has been a privilege once again
working closely with you.
In recent times, I seem to have spoken to the Grand Secretary almost daily and I and the Province thank Wayne for
all that he has done to smooth the way and for invariably providing pragmatic and sound advice, and we wish him a
swift recovery following his operation.
Our Provincial Grand Secretary George Paskins has been an absolute rock and to him, above all others, must go our
grateful thanks for the planning and preparation leading up to todays meeting. George please pass on my special
thanks to Vera for allowing me to take up so much of your time. Similarly our Provincial Treasurer, Tony Pinnell
has managed to make the funds available to pay for todays proceedings, and Tony I promise not to deplete
Provincial funds further until our Provincial meeting in April. Special thanks to my good friend the Grand Marshal,
Very Worshipful Brother John Evans and his Deputies for ensuring that the Ceremonial today was of such a high
Brethren, I am sure you would wish me to extend a hearty welcome to all our Visitors. It is wonderful to see so
many visitors from our sister Provinces and I look forward on your behalf to visiting them all in the months and
years ahead and Brother Visitors we look forward to your company at lunch.
Brethren, I have saved the most important thanks till last and that of course is my thanks to you the Brethren of
Wessex. I cannot begin to tell you what a privilege it is to be Installed as your Provincial Grand Master. In the few
months that I have been back in the Province, I have been overwhelmed by the warmth of welcome I have
invariably received when visiting our Courts.
I spoke earlier in this address of new beginnings. New beginnings Brethren are most effective when built on a solid
base, and for that I must thank those who have contributed in forming the foundation on which we as a family of
Athelstan Masons will build in the years ahead.
So much of our current Province was established and nurtured by Right Worshipful Brothers Malcolm Burns and
his Deputy Brian Wright admirably supported by Mervyn Western. Right Worshipful Brother Roger Freeman then
led the Province in admirable fashion until the Province was reconstituted into the Province of Wessex in the North
and Dumnonia in the South.
Ian Crowe then took the reins in Wessex until his wife’s ill health forced him to stand down and then Very
Worshipful Brother Peter Hughes generously agreed to act as Deputy Provincial Grand Master-in-charge until a
new Provincial Grand Master was appointed. Our thanks are due to each of these Brethren for all that they have
done for the Province and it is wonderful to see most of them here today.
What then of the future, how are we to take our Province forward?, and how are we to build on the foundations so
well laid by those who have gone before us. The answer Brethren is teamwork. If we work together as a family
there is absolutely nothing that we cannot achieve.
In the last few months I have experienced a growing optimism in our Province. We have new Members coming into
our Courts. We have two new Courts on the Horizon and a possible third Court perhaps in a year to eighteen
I am planning a series of social events so that we can involve our families, and in Order to help raise our ritual
standards, I have authorised the formation of a Court of Instruction and a team of Brethren to help Courts with
various parts of the Instruction Ceremony if required.
I have now spoken to all the heads of Order in our local Provinces and without exception have received a warm and
genuine response. The White table meeting which I addressed recently when we hosted Royal Arch Masons has
resulted in two Candidates, with a third in the wings.
When the Deputy Grand Master and myself arrived in Wessex we had 54 members in 4 Courts. We have already
increased that to 67 and with your help Brethren our next objective is to achieve a membership of 100.
Brethren, look around you for quality Craft and Royal Arch masons who would enjoy Athelstan Masonry,
remember we are an Invitational Order and are therefore able to invite men of quality to join us.
We need to develop good relationships with all the heads of order within the boundaries of our Province and never
miss an opportunity to create an awareness of our Order within the wider Masonic Community.
Brethren our Annual Meeting this year will be at Stroud on 25th. April. I am planning a dinner on the Friday when
we may entertain our wives and Partners and also of course extend a welcome to our guests and their partners.
There is a Sunday lunch planned for next year and at least one other social function where we can involve our
Brethren we have a busy and potentially very rewarding year ahead. I look forward to visiting all our Courts in the
coming year and hopefully welcoming many new Brethren into our Order. I have already drafted a letter to all the
Brethren who have left us in recent years, to encourage them to re-engage with our Order and I will follow this up
with a personal phone call to each of them.
Brethren, the very best way to retain Brethren is to offer them an impressive ceremony of Instruction. There is no
problem at all in delegating parts of the ceremony, in fact oft times it is good to have a change of voice.
Brethren I look forward to engaging with each of you in the future, if you have concerns or ideas of how we can
improve our Athelstan experience, my door is always open and please feel able to contact me,
Finally, may I wish each and every one of you and your families a successful and healthy New Year and may God
Bless you in all your endeavours.
R.W.Bro. Keith R.D. Waters, KAG
Provincial Grand Master