© 2021 Provincial Grand Court of Wessex
To the Brethren of Wessex
The date of the eighteenth of October 2016 heralds a new
awakening, for capture is on the minds of those from
Wiltshire, mainly those fearless Saxon mercenaries
from Malmesbury.
Having attended an assembly of warlords from the host
ÆTHELRED REX number sixty-six it came to pass
that one of the fearless warriors Mervyn of
Pucklechurch stood and demanded possession of the
ancient and sacred Bee-hive that stood on the grounds
within Burnham. He charged the assembly that five
mercenries from his village demand possesion of the Bee-
hive. The elders and scribes of importance within the
temple rejected the claim saying that on this
Installation assembly it was not allowable to demand such an imposition and that they
should withdraw their claim.
They having been rejected but not outstanding, the mercenaries at that evenings feast,
summoned the scribe Ragnor Wright who rose with fury and announced that the
parchment that he held in his possession confirmed that a legal take of the bee-hive was
mandatary and demanded the handing over of this rightful possession to be taken to
Malmesbury for safe keeping.
ÆTHELRED executive having examined the document relented and agreed that the
document was in good order and they would honor the text within.
The Saxon mercenaries from Malmesbury rejoiced with acclamation and on this occasion
they declared that there would be no blood spilled on this day. Having placed the Bee-hive
in their chariot they eventually returned to the place of their abode.
The names of those intrepid mercenaries from Malmesbury Court № 100
RW Bro. Brian G. Wright, KCSM, PJGW
W.Bro. Mervyn S. Western, KCSM, GHAlmoner
W.Bro Colin Lowther, PJGD, PPrGEmPrior
W.Bro. George L Brown, ProvSGW
W.Bro. James Ward