Courts & venues

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Theocsbury Court No. 57

The Masonic Hall, Trinity Walk, Oldbury Road, Tewkesbury, GL20 5NB
Regular meetings of the Court are held on the 2nd Wednesday in January and June (Installation) and the 1st. Thursday in November
Contact the Secretary: W Bro J Paul Deakin KAG PGCofG
e.mail: [email protected]
Phone: H 01905 640358 M 07850 538801
Aethelbald Court No. 62

The Masonic Hall, 99 Bath Road, Keynsham, Bristol BS31 1SR
Regular meetings of the Court are held on the 4th. Monday in March, 3rd. Monday in May, 4th Monday in September (Installation).
Contact the Secretary: W Bro. George R. Paskins, KAG PSGD ProvGSec
e.mail: [email protected]
Phone: H 01454 31 4887 M 07887 94 4591
Bricgstowe Court No. 75

Avonmouth Masonic Hall, Portview Road, Avonmouth, Bristol, BS11 9JE
Regular meetings of the Court are held on the 4th Monday in January, 1st. Tuesday in June and 1st. Tuesday in September (Installation).
Contact the Secretary: V W Bro. David Attwater, KCAG PGReg ProvGOrg
e.mail: [email protected]
Phone: H 01179 380271 M 07443 549721
Wessex Installed Masters’ Court No. 92

Peripatetic. The Installation meeting is at The Rausing Building, Oxford Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9AX.
on the 3rd. Friday in October (Installation). Dates and locations of other meetings variable.
Contact the Secretary: W Bro. David Davis, KAG, PGHAlm
e.mail: [email protected]
Phone: H 01905 359261 M 07803 124544
King Ecgberht of Wessex Court No. 98

Meeting at The Masonic Hall, 7 Reading Road, Wokingham, RG41 1EG.
Regular meetings of the Court are held on the 2nd. Wednesday in November, (Installation), 2nd Wednesday in February, & 3rd. Wednesday in July.
Contact the Secretary: W & Em Bro. Peter Hartland, KAG, PJGD
e.mail: [email protected]
Phone: H 01264 738259 M 07887 958306
Harold Godwinson Court No. 99

Meeting at Ross on Wye (Installation) and peripatetically within Herefordshire at such locations as the Master shall decide.
Regular meetings of the Court are held on the 4th Wednesdays in November and February (Installation), & 4th Tuesday in June.
Contact the Secretary: W Bro. David Davis KAG PGHAlm
e.mail: [email protected]
Phone: H 01905 359261 M 07803 124544
Malmesbury Court No. 100

Meeting at Rausing Building, Oxford Street, Malmesbury, Wiltshire SN16 9AX.
Regular meetings of the Court are held on the 2nd Wednesday in January, September and May (Installation).
Contact the Secretary: W Bro. Mark Fuller, KAG, DepGSec ProvGReg
e.mail: [email protected]
3 Gleneagles Close, Monkton Park, Chippenham, Wiltshire, SN15 3XL