Author name: admin

Bricgstowe Court – New Master – New meeting place!

Bricgstowe Court – New Master – New meeting place! Tuesday 3rd September saw Bricgstowe Court hold its first meeting at Avonmouth Masonic Hall following its move from Park Street, Bristol. The evening was a great success with the outgoing Worshipful Master, W Bro Derrick Griffin, welcoming the Provincial Grand Master, R W Bro Keith Waters …

Bricgstowe Court – New Master – New meeting place! Read More »

Image of Keith Waters, PGM

PGM’s Christmas Message

PGM’s Christmas Message 2023 Dear Brethren. As we approach the Festive Season, I would like to extend my very best wishes to you and those close to you for Christmas and the New Year and may it be a happy and healthy time for us all. We have a number of Brethren struggling with health …

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Masons, wives and partners at WIM Court

wessex Installed Masters’ Court enjoys an Anglo Saxon Christmas

Wessex Installed Masters’ Court enjoys an Anglo Saxon Christmas The Christmas meeting of Wessex Installed Masters Court featured a talk on ‘An Anglo-Saxon Christmas’, a Christmas Quiz and Carols from the local brass band. A fantastic and fun evening of Court Masonry enjoyed by members, prospective members and wives and partners.According to our Provincial Grand …

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Grand Court 2023

Grand Court Appointments 2023 The Provincial Grand Master is pleased to announce that the Grand Master has made the following Promotions and Appointments: Active Ranks (re-appointments). V W Bro David Attwater KAG – Grand Registrar; W Bro Mark Fuller KAG – Deputy Grand Secretary; W Bro Stephen Devlin KAG – Deputy Grand Marshal; W Bro …

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Malmesbury Court meets at the Rausing Building for the first time.

Malmesbury Court meets at the Rausing Building for the first time. Following the closure of Malmesbury Masonic Hall, Malmesbury Court met at the Rausing Building in Oxford Street for the first time on 13th September. The venue is associated with the Athelstan Museum with whom the Order has a good relationship following the presentation of …

Malmesbury Court meets at the Rausing Building for the first time. Read More »

Anglo Saxon House

An Anglo Saxon House

An Anglo Saxon House The Wessex Installed Masters Court No. 92 had a most interesting visit to the House of Wessex project: a reconstruction of a Saxon Small Hall using tools and materials of the period, celebrating the birth of the Kingdom of England. Our Court meeting was followed by a presentation, at which many …

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